Welcome to our Whispering Oaks of McHenry Condominium Association Dryer Vent Cleaning Page. The Average Cost for Rountine Mainteance, After the Coupon is $135.
Everone will receive $10 OFF
Call (847) 874 - 4805 to Schedule Multible Units.
What we do. We inspect, test, and clean the airways of the clothes dryer and all the ductwork to the outside flaps.
Includes 90 Day Warranty On All Work.
Keeping the airways of your dryer and pipe clean prevents clogging of lint that can build up over time.
The benefits of vent cleaning are, fire safety, lower utility bills, and FASTER DRYING TIMES!
A birds nest in your vents causes a build up inside the ductwork from the birds nest back to the vents of your clothes dryer, bathroom, or kitchen.
A bird nest can also cause damage to the appliance when the clothes dryer heats up...
Call the King of Lint today to learn how we can save you time in the laundry room. Is it time to get your vent cleaned?
The best way to prevent the possibility of a dryer fire harming your family is an annual dryer vent inspection and cleaning by the professionals at The Lint King Dryer Safety Experts.
The homeowners that first learn about cleaning a dryer vent are totally amazed when they see what comes out! Then they notice the difference it makes in the drying time, and lower utility bills.
Most clothes drying times are cut in half and often more. This also saves money on repairs, and clothes wearing out due to overheating.
We all love our pets. Our cats, dogs and sometimes rabbits generate a lot of fur in the ductwork. So you may need annual service.
By calling the Lint King once a year you’ll get the satisfaction in knowing your machines is operating safely and efficiently.
P.S. For more laundry room safety and energy tips visit our BLOG!
A properly installed metal dryer vent system will ensure maximum airflow for best dryer performance.
The Lint King is proud of its customer satisfaction record as demonstrated by the customer testimonials that we've received since 2005 from our local customers.