The Lint King charges according to the job! That is why we have a starting price of only $99.00. Additional charges may apply based many factors that can reduce dryer performance and increase your energy usage.
We know that the average cost of dryer vent cleaning is over $225 in Northern Illinois, but we have rolled back our prices with a 18 year anniversary special. The Lint King's Average Dryer Vent Cleaning Cost is $135.
It is important to know that all dryer vent companies charge more for clogged vents and dirty dryers, or difficult access vents, because it take more time to do it correctly, ASK QUESTIONS!
If your drying times are more than 60 minutes there is a good chance that a dryer vent cleaning will restore your dryer to its optimal performance and energy savings. In my 18 years of dryer vent cleaning, I've repaired dryer vents that were so clogged that it took more then 4 hours to dry a load of clothes.
That's just CRAZY...
Try our FREE Dryer Vent Service Test. It is based on my own personal experiences as a technician and and owner, and so I created this FREE DRYER VENT CLEANING TEST.
The bottom line is we will only charge for the work necessary to complete the job correctly and with your full knowledge of the steps and charges along the way. Most homes that are having the dryer vent cleaned for the first time should expect to pay $135, addition charges for extreme difficulty, hard to access and bird nests . See our First time Dryer Vent Special offer.